Friday, June 15, 2012

How my children are teaching me

How my children are teaching me….
As we sat down for our morning cup of coffee my wife and I started discussing the correlations between our family and our faith. Our talk leads us to our daughters’ dependency on us.  When they wake up and the first words out of their mouths are, “I hungry Daddy, I need to go potty,” and if it is a relatively bad morning my oldest will say, “Daddy I red” (her way of telling me she is bleeding).  Observing their behavior really made me stop and focus upon my own relationship with God.  How often do I look to God and say, “Daddy I am hungry for more of you! I need to be cleaned God. I’m dirty. God I am hurting.”

As we grow and mature we begin to believe that we no longer depend on our parents and we are strong enough to do everything on our own. We tend to believe that we don’t need their wisdom and guidance.  But what happens when disaster strikes? Who is the first person/people we typically run to? We run straight to those that unconditionally love us and that will all ways come through for us.  We seek their assistance and guidance.  We as believers have a tendency to act the same way during our own spiritual growth. The more we learn and know leads us to believe that we can do life on our own instead of constantly relying upon God and his wisdom and guidance.  Instead the more we grow the more we need his direction.
James 1:5(NLT)
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”
God is constantly attempting to speak into our lives. He is speaking life, wisdom, and healing but we have either blocked his voice out or we act like rebellious teenagers. We throw our fist up at God and tell him, “I don’t need you, I can handle this!”

My children are teaching me that there will never be a moment during my day that I won’t need God. I need him for everything in my life and I love him for that. I will forever need his wisdom and guidance. My revelation is this, I should pray first about everything in my life. 
Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Before I send that email, apply for a job, before I take on the next big project I need to pray first.  I need to talk to my father every day! I want everything in my life to say love loudly!