Saturday, March 30, 2013

Prayer: pt1

Scriptures: Matt 6:9-11 & Eph 3:14
As my wife and I prepare for the next series , "Teach Us To Pray", we want to focus in several different parts of prayer. What did Jesus mean when he said we ought to pray like this, but I  wanted to start some place else this week.  In Eph 3  Paul starts talking about the great wonder and mystery of God's plan of how he weaves all people, no matter how different, into one big beautiful canvas called his Church. How God would even use him (Paul) in his wondrous plan.
Paul writes in verse 14 of Eph 3, "when I think of all this, I fall to my knees in pray to the Father".

There are two things I want to highlight.

1. Keep the wonder and awe about Jesus and his beautiful plan alive. Don't lose that. Don't lose your spark. Don't be overwhelmed by what God is calling you to in your life or the life of the Church. Don't get lost in the complexity or simplicity, you are in the midst of his plan for you life. Instead, let it drive you to your knees in prayer. Not in fear or worry/doubt, but in simple surrender to the Father who loves and leads you .

2. Pray. Simply, Pray. No special place or event. Just direct your heart in conversation with God. Kneel both spiritually and physically(if need be). God has a plan and we most often fret, because we just don't ever stop ourselves and pray. We try to figure it out. So in praying let it lead you to surrender. My favorite part of the Lord's prayer is that the most important part is often overlooked. We've heard people say that our prayer isn't answered because we hold onto  a lack  of forgiveness , but before we even get to that part of the prayer Jesus is telling us to surrender. Think about it. God your will be done!  So today let us be in awe and surrender.