Monday, April 7, 2014

Wisdom of Men

1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Living Bible (TLB)
Dear brothers, even when I first came to you I didn’t use lofty words and brilliant ideas to tell you God’s message. For I decided that I would speak only of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross. I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. And my preaching was very plain,, not with a lot of oratory and human wisdom but the Holy Spirit’s power was in my words, proving to those who heard them that the message was from God. I did this because I wanted your faith to stand firmly upon God, not on man’s great ideas.

 So as it is with you, be weary of those who only rely on what their senses tell them. What they can explain. Argue. Contest with deep theological thought provoking splendor. Tonight, I was privileged to be picked as a candidate to become a pastor. I listened to myself speak for a minutes. I think 21 year old me would hear 34 year old me and be in awe, but not in a good way. You see. I am flawed. I trusted in the wise idea. God immediately convicted me of it. Why do I tell you of this?   As a Christian who happens to be Wesleyan/Methodist, I think  our walk can be exciting ( not all of the time) I think it can be filled with wisdom ( not ALL the time) and It can be Spirit filled and led( all the time)   Paul's message to the church at Corinth pleads with us now. Do we rely too much on scholarly intellect in American pulpits??  We are looking for the next great program or even the next BIG move of God before we move. That we are not  attacking issues.
Our Sunday mornings need not only be intellectual meals from the table of theology, but messages of hope that Jesus is saving lives and turning things on their head! The word says that it is the foolishness of God, just a few verses ( v25) later, is wiser than any man  and his weakness greater than ANY human strength. I am not saying abandon education. I am also not saying be SOOO carried away with God that you are no earthly good.  Here are some great points on staying balanced. 

We are starting to see a restoration of both the liturgical Church and the movement of his Holy Spirit in greater outpourings !   We need to become healthy in our relationships.

Why is biblical balance so important in the Christian life?

  1. Biblical truth pushed too far in either direction can become fringe.
  2. Anything displacing God’s rightful place in our lives can become an idol. Even things that are good in themselves can become idolatrous – including spouse and children if we love them more than God. One way to think about your overall health is by using the analogy of an automobile. Cars have four wheels and it is important that they be properly balanced for a smooth ride. If the tires are unbalanced and you increase your speed, the ride will be very rough!
What do these four wheels represent? 1) Psychological, 2) Physical, 3) Social and 4) Spiritual dimensions of living. One way to increase your balance is to find your most deflated tire and expand or grow it. God is not so just concerned with your “soul”; He’s concerned with every aspect of your being which includes the following:
  1. Physical: Proper Rest, Nutrition, Activity (Work, Exercise and Recreation) 
    1. Spiritual exercise too!
  2. Psychological: Mental (Truthful), Emotional (Loving), Volitional (Obedient)
  3. Relational: Family (spouse, children), Friends (including church), and Co-Workers.
  4. Spiritual: Trusting and obeying God, knowing Christ and making Him known. 
I am so bad at number 1! I mean it is 12:38 am right now!!!

Prayer this week:
I turn from my sin of being unhealthy. I need you so much closer in my life. I ask for wisdom because you freely give it. Help me feel restored, refreshed, and in love with your will for my life more than anything. Christ have mercy. God give grace. Spirit cry out! Let my life be all for your Glory! I cry out for your nearness! 

Song: I want you so much closer.