Monday, June 24, 2013


Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (John 7:38 NLT)

I was 15 when I became a Christian. I had almost everything going for me, in a secular sense, but felt like there was always something missing. I remember walking into church for the first time. It was a small church with about 60 people in it! The music wasn't fabulous but it was captivating. There were no lights, no digital projectors and hardly a working PA system. The setting wasn't attractive but there was a 'spirit' there I couldn't describe or resist. Something sparked a fire inside me that 18 years later, is still burning hot. That 'something' I quickly understood to be Jesus and that 'fire' His purpose for my life. God has carried me through some pretty hectic circumstances and I've seen His faithfulness time and time again. I've had and seen so many opportunities, healings and blessings that I can never refute his existence and power. Life has been far more adventurous on the 'faith journey' than I could ever have seen it on the 'without-faith journey' but I wouldn't rather live any other way. Two contradicting elements have combined in me; His purpose, the fire, and His living water. The fire burns up all the junk in my life and sets me on His course. The living water sustains me and attracts others to His truth. If you don't know Jesus today I want to encourage you to ask Him into your life. It can be a simple prayer like "Jesus come into my life, I want to live with you and not on my own". It's a bold and exciting way to live and is filled with such a sense of peace and purpose. If you've prayed that make sure you get connected to a Bible-believing church. Your life will never be the same!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger. (Job 17:9 NLT)

We've all had 'One of those days'... Where you want to hit rewind or fast-forward from the moment you wake up. And it's often the little things that really hit you for six on those days... Running out of toilet paper... Spilling some water... Dropping your phone... I had 'one of those days' this week, and it really burdened and discouraged my spirit. There's an ebb and flow to life, which is really important. The highs and lows, the good and bad. It's like the oceans tide... comes in and goes out. The key is how you manage the days, weeks, seasons where you feel as though the life in you is being sucked away by the receding waves. First of all, just remember that there is an enemy to your soul who wants to discourage and depress you... I'm not being spooky Christian, just real... He thrives on the times when we're feeling stretched and challenged, it's when he plants seeds of disappointment and offense. Don't be surprised when you go through 'low tide' seasons. Secondly, arrest your thoughts, understand the season... And understand that you need both highs and lows in life to keep you grounded and balanced. You don't live day to day from the strength you build for yourself... You live from a place of grace and strength provided by Jesus Christ so that in and out of season, you can still overcome and experience joy. Thirdly, you will keeping move forward. A 'downer' isn't the end of the road, it's just a patch on the journey - keep moving forward, don't stop believing, hold you head high. The righteous - those you have been justified by Christ - will keep moving forward. So, no matter how you feel today, up or down, high or low, just put one foot in front of the other and go for it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. (Isaiah 43:1 NIV)

 Christ is your redeemer and you have indeed been redeemed in Him through the finished work of the cross. Redemption. Atonement. Restoration. Yours in Jesus name. The redemptive work of the cross is complete... It's not half done, it's not dependant on your works - it is complete and full. It's something that was designed for you long before you were born, and that you receive the very moment you accept Christ into your heart. Lost to found. Spiritually bankrupt to saved and rescued. Christ redeeming power is so full that you aren't just redeemed then left on your own... He calls you be name, singles you out, gives His full attention to your heart. He calls you His own just like a parent does a child, and then walks with you every step, every day, no matter what. His redemption seeping into and soaking up all our days. Claim it today. Don't live trying to work your way into redemption, but with a humble and thankful confidence, own it and walk it out.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3:17 NKJV)
 This passage in 2 Corinthians talks of the account in Exodus where Moses would speak with God, His face would shine with glory, He would deliver Gods commandments, then would veil his face again as the glory faded until he next went into the presence of The Lord. There is a lot of commentary and thoughts around this - why Moses would veil his face. But one thing I am sure of is that the covenant God made with the people through Moses - the old covenant through the law - was always temporary, it was destined to fade. Whenever Moses got an injection of Glory, when in the presence of God, it faded also. Moses was able to enter into the presence of God, but not able to dwell in it... Take it with him... The glory faded until he was once again in His presence. Through Jesus, we don't have to cover ourselves, our flaws, our fading glory away, as His love has covered all of our sins for us. Unlike under the old covenant where there was a disconnect between God and man, Jesus has bridged that gap and now through the Holy Spirit we live in connection and relationship with God 24/7. A relationship where we don't have to hide away our shame and guilt... We are free in the forgiveness, sacrifice and love of Christ. Where the spirit of The Lord is, there is freedom. Freedom to dwell in His presence, Freedom to live unashamed and unshackled through the power of Christ, Freedom in our security and hope in Jesus and our eternal future - it's not a fading hope, but one that continues to transform from glory to glory.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In your presence, in your power. Awakening.
Like the rising sun that shines. Awake my soul, Awake my soul to sing!-Hillsong United

What powerful lyrics I am listening to right now as I prepare my heart for the next 6 days with my youth. It's my prayer for them. Not for camp to just be something fun, but that they would encounter  God and see their walk in Jesus through power of his Holy Spirit! That this encounter and camp, also called Awaken, would be a fire and fanning of the flame.  Over the past year, I've been repeating one prayer w/great frequency: "Lord, do something unpredictable and uncontrollable."  For my youth, I want them to see the power, depth, and height of God's love for them. That he has something planned for them if they are open to be awakened! For my parent's I realize that for some of you this is a break from the daily grind, but I challenge you to pray for our teens. That we cast aside our  ideas and we become alive and awaken this week!  Our small town is amazing, but creeping under the surface are teens who are facing some real dark issues. Sex,Addiction,Divorce, Despair, Depression , and just an overwhelming sense of not knowing where to go. I want our youth to really become That Youth Group* who models 1 Tim 4:12. 

Monday- Safe travel and just pray we are on the same page and ready to be refreshed
Tuesday- first full day! Worship with us on your heart and lift us up for God's will to be done
Wednesday- Pray and lift our counselors and leaders. Our speaker for the camp is Carl Fountain, pray he is just connecting with students and engaging with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Thursday- This is our last night service. The wind down. Pray for surrender. Peace.
Friday- Safe travel and we shall see you around 8pm that night!

Love my parents and your teens tremendously!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

All Heart

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. (Colossians 3:23 NLT)

Where has God positioned you in your community, work place, family, sports club, or church? There is a divine reason for being right there, right now. You may not see it and worse still, you may even hate it! But when you look for and fulfill the purpose - the God-given purpose - it will change your motivation and sense of joy...and graduate you to the next season, situation, and opportunity! Most get frustrated when they find themselves in a situation they hate or that makes them uncomfortable. They key is looking for the opportunities not focusing in on the limits. Have a read of Acts 16's the powerful account of Paul and Silas in prison. It's midnight and they're in a dark, cold prison after being falsely accused. Everything in me would want to moan and complain and justify how unfair the whole situation was. But when we come across these guys, they're singing hymns! It takes joy to sing. It takes trust that God has everything under control to worship. But worship refocuses your attention from the circumstance to the Saviour! When they did this they found purpose in their discomfort and changed the eternity of the jailer and his whole family...and we're miraculously set free. Today, worship God no matter what your situation. Open your eyes and look around and God will reveal the divine reason you are right here, right now!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Album Review: Emmanuel Live Strong to Save

Alright so this is my first album review ever! Not sure if anything makes me credible. I've been a musician for 20 years and a worship leader for nearly that long too. No I am not ancient  only 33 years young! That aside. I am not even sure how I first ran across this album or Emmanuel to begin with, until I realized that I was following them on twitter. So I  first go get a taste by going and taking a quick listen on Google play Strong to Save. I figure if this is the title song then it has to be good and I instantly was hooked! This worship team puts that practice time in and turns it in to an outpouring. The lyrics were fresh and powerful! If you don't have the cash for the full album which is currently $9.99 I would for sure buy Strong to Save. It starts with a simple organic sound( the synth is there, but subtle) and when Mark Alan  begins to sing you are instantly taken to that sweet moment in worship.  We hit the chorus and now you feel the Holy Spirit just tugging at you to stop what you are doing and throw out every distraction and worship! I won't give away the whole song, but let's say if you are listening to the spoken word part and don't have hairs stand up on your neck.. well  you may dying and you should get checked out immediately.
 I invited a few other worship leaders to take a listen and they all adored it; " This might be one of the best Church worship albums released this year "~Jeremy Bishop (worship leader at Seacoast Church Charleston, SC)

I also was blessed by their church with all the chords and lyrics by sending an email out. So a big shout out to Eunice Djerf and Pastor Mark Alan (schoolmesters, not sure what that means but it's on there church website!). 

You won't be disappointed  buying this album!