Monday, June 24, 2013


Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (John 7:38 NLT)

I was 15 when I became a Christian. I had almost everything going for me, in a secular sense, but felt like there was always something missing. I remember walking into church for the first time. It was a small church with about 60 people in it! The music wasn't fabulous but it was captivating. There were no lights, no digital projectors and hardly a working PA system. The setting wasn't attractive but there was a 'spirit' there I couldn't describe or resist. Something sparked a fire inside me that 18 years later, is still burning hot. That 'something' I quickly understood to be Jesus and that 'fire' His purpose for my life. God has carried me through some pretty hectic circumstances and I've seen His faithfulness time and time again. I've had and seen so many opportunities, healings and blessings that I can never refute his existence and power. Life has been far more adventurous on the 'faith journey' than I could ever have seen it on the 'without-faith journey' but I wouldn't rather live any other way. Two contradicting elements have combined in me; His purpose, the fire, and His living water. The fire burns up all the junk in my life and sets me on His course. The living water sustains me and attracts others to His truth. If you don't know Jesus today I want to encourage you to ask Him into your life. It can be a simple prayer like "Jesus come into my life, I want to live with you and not on my own". It's a bold and exciting way to live and is filled with such a sense of peace and purpose. If you've prayed that make sure you get connected to a Bible-believing church. Your life will never be the same!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger. (Job 17:9 NLT)

We've all had 'One of those days'... Where you want to hit rewind or fast-forward from the moment you wake up. And it's often the little things that really hit you for six on those days... Running out of toilet paper... Spilling some water... Dropping your phone... I had 'one of those days' this week, and it really burdened and discouraged my spirit. There's an ebb and flow to life, which is really important. The highs and lows, the good and bad. It's like the oceans tide... comes in and goes out. The key is how you manage the days, weeks, seasons where you feel as though the life in you is being sucked away by the receding waves. First of all, just remember that there is an enemy to your soul who wants to discourage and depress you... I'm not being spooky Christian, just real... He thrives on the times when we're feeling stretched and challenged, it's when he plants seeds of disappointment and offense. Don't be surprised when you go through 'low tide' seasons. Secondly, arrest your thoughts, understand the season... And understand that you need both highs and lows in life to keep you grounded and balanced. You don't live day to day from the strength you build for yourself... You live from a place of grace and strength provided by Jesus Christ so that in and out of season, you can still overcome and experience joy. Thirdly, you will keeping move forward. A 'downer' isn't the end of the road, it's just a patch on the journey - keep moving forward, don't stop believing, hold you head high. The righteous - those you have been justified by Christ - will keep moving forward. So, no matter how you feel today, up or down, high or low, just put one foot in front of the other and go for it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. (Isaiah 43:1 NIV)

 Christ is your redeemer and you have indeed been redeemed in Him through the finished work of the cross. Redemption. Atonement. Restoration. Yours in Jesus name. The redemptive work of the cross is complete... It's not half done, it's not dependant on your works - it is complete and full. It's something that was designed for you long before you were born, and that you receive the very moment you accept Christ into your heart. Lost to found. Spiritually bankrupt to saved and rescued. Christ redeeming power is so full that you aren't just redeemed then left on your own... He calls you be name, singles you out, gives His full attention to your heart. He calls you His own just like a parent does a child, and then walks with you every step, every day, no matter what. His redemption seeping into and soaking up all our days. Claim it today. Don't live trying to work your way into redemption, but with a humble and thankful confidence, own it and walk it out.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3:17 NKJV)
 This passage in 2 Corinthians talks of the account in Exodus where Moses would speak with God, His face would shine with glory, He would deliver Gods commandments, then would veil his face again as the glory faded until he next went into the presence of The Lord. There is a lot of commentary and thoughts around this - why Moses would veil his face. But one thing I am sure of is that the covenant God made with the people through Moses - the old covenant through the law - was always temporary, it was destined to fade. Whenever Moses got an injection of Glory, when in the presence of God, it faded also. Moses was able to enter into the presence of God, but not able to dwell in it... Take it with him... The glory faded until he was once again in His presence. Through Jesus, we don't have to cover ourselves, our flaws, our fading glory away, as His love has covered all of our sins for us. Unlike under the old covenant where there was a disconnect between God and man, Jesus has bridged that gap and now through the Holy Spirit we live in connection and relationship with God 24/7. A relationship where we don't have to hide away our shame and guilt... We are free in the forgiveness, sacrifice and love of Christ. Where the spirit of The Lord is, there is freedom. Freedom to dwell in His presence, Freedom to live unashamed and unshackled through the power of Christ, Freedom in our security and hope in Jesus and our eternal future - it's not a fading hope, but one that continues to transform from glory to glory.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In your presence, in your power. Awakening.
Like the rising sun that shines. Awake my soul, Awake my soul to sing!-Hillsong United

What powerful lyrics I am listening to right now as I prepare my heart for the next 6 days with my youth. It's my prayer for them. Not for camp to just be something fun, but that they would encounter  God and see their walk in Jesus through power of his Holy Spirit! That this encounter and camp, also called Awaken, would be a fire and fanning of the flame.  Over the past year, I've been repeating one prayer w/great frequency: "Lord, do something unpredictable and uncontrollable."  For my youth, I want them to see the power, depth, and height of God's love for them. That he has something planned for them if they are open to be awakened! For my parent's I realize that for some of you this is a break from the daily grind, but I challenge you to pray for our teens. That we cast aside our  ideas and we become alive and awaken this week!  Our small town is amazing, but creeping under the surface are teens who are facing some real dark issues. Sex,Addiction,Divorce, Despair, Depression , and just an overwhelming sense of not knowing where to go. I want our youth to really become That Youth Group* who models 1 Tim 4:12. 

Monday- Safe travel and just pray we are on the same page and ready to be refreshed
Tuesday- first full day! Worship with us on your heart and lift us up for God's will to be done
Wednesday- Pray and lift our counselors and leaders. Our speaker for the camp is Carl Fountain, pray he is just connecting with students and engaging with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Thursday- This is our last night service. The wind down. Pray for surrender. Peace.
Friday- Safe travel and we shall see you around 8pm that night!

Love my parents and your teens tremendously!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

All Heart

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. (Colossians 3:23 NLT)

Where has God positioned you in your community, work place, family, sports club, or church? There is a divine reason for being right there, right now. You may not see it and worse still, you may even hate it! But when you look for and fulfill the purpose - the God-given purpose - it will change your motivation and sense of joy...and graduate you to the next season, situation, and opportunity! Most get frustrated when they find themselves in a situation they hate or that makes them uncomfortable. They key is looking for the opportunities not focusing in on the limits. Have a read of Acts 16's the powerful account of Paul and Silas in prison. It's midnight and they're in a dark, cold prison after being falsely accused. Everything in me would want to moan and complain and justify how unfair the whole situation was. But when we come across these guys, they're singing hymns! It takes joy to sing. It takes trust that God has everything under control to worship. But worship refocuses your attention from the circumstance to the Saviour! When they did this they found purpose in their discomfort and changed the eternity of the jailer and his whole family...and we're miraculously set free. Today, worship God no matter what your situation. Open your eyes and look around and God will reveal the divine reason you are right here, right now!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Album Review: Emmanuel Live Strong to Save

Alright so this is my first album review ever! Not sure if anything makes me credible. I've been a musician for 20 years and a worship leader for nearly that long too. No I am not ancient  only 33 years young! That aside. I am not even sure how I first ran across this album or Emmanuel to begin with, until I realized that I was following them on twitter. So I  first go get a taste by going and taking a quick listen on Google play Strong to Save. I figure if this is the title song then it has to be good and I instantly was hooked! This worship team puts that practice time in and turns it in to an outpouring. The lyrics were fresh and powerful! If you don't have the cash for the full album which is currently $9.99 I would for sure buy Strong to Save. It starts with a simple organic sound( the synth is there, but subtle) and when Mark Alan  begins to sing you are instantly taken to that sweet moment in worship.  We hit the chorus and now you feel the Holy Spirit just tugging at you to stop what you are doing and throw out every distraction and worship! I won't give away the whole song, but let's say if you are listening to the spoken word part and don't have hairs stand up on your neck.. well  you may dying and you should get checked out immediately.
 I invited a few other worship leaders to take a listen and they all adored it; " This might be one of the best Church worship albums released this year "~Jeremy Bishop (worship leader at Seacoast Church Charleston, SC)

I also was blessed by their church with all the chords and lyrics by sending an email out. So a big shout out to Eunice Djerf and Pastor Mark Alan (schoolmesters, not sure what that means but it's on there church website!). 

You won't be disappointed  buying this album!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Peace like a ...

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God!"

This is such a beautiful and comforting psalm for many. I was speaking to a friend the other day and we were discussing the seasons of our lives and how this verse is so applicable to us right now. But not in a 'stop, we must rest' way... Before every race, every moment of exertion, there is a pause, a gathering, a stilling of the heart and mind... focus of spirit and thought. We often read this verse and think that we need to stop everything, cease action. Rest. But my friend and I, we both live full lives with much happening around us and in us, decided that we wouldn't stop... but rather in everything we do - in family, in work, in ministry - we would take moments to focus ourselves and our hearts on Jesus and remind ourselves that in everything - He is, and He is God. Today I would encourage you to do the same.

Now  of course I am not encouraging if you need to have rest, because simply put, we all do.  Life has a certain chaos we  let be around us. Think of that imaginary line in the sand you have drawn in your life. We are actually  ok with the mindset of, I will allow this much to be going on in my life. So we make ourselves busy. Our relationship to the God of the universe just simply falls apart. All of sudden we look around and no longer recognize our prayer  & worship life. It's not thriving. It's just holding on. So today in the midst of chaos. Stop if you need it. Rest if you are weary. Ask God to just breathe life into you. Let your mind , heart, and soul be still .

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)

 Vision is a most powerful thing. Having eye sight helps us navigate through the perils and obstacles of our physical world. Having a vision on the inside helps us navigate perils and obstacles of our spiritual world! When God gives you a vision for your life (He has one for every person - Jeremiah 29:11) it helps us stay focused and full of hope when things don't look like they should in the physical world. It's like an internal projector showing you the future God has for you. Our culture is very secularized and through it, we are conditioned to rely solely on our physical senses. The problem is this is very limiting. When people don't recognize the spiritual, they can't see that they are given to it, good or bad, which means they don't know they're being controlled by it! Eph 6:12 "we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spirits and principalities". Those 'spirits and principalities' have led the general populace into not putting emphasis on the spiritual, blinding them to vision that God places inside every person (Ecc 3:11). Relying solely on physical senses causes a 'feedback loop' in our forward growth, with no real outside source to penetrate our vision. It'd be like getting four infants and locking them in a house together until they are 25 and expecting them to grow up mature. They need the nurture, guidance and wisdom of an external influence, a parent, to actually fully realize their maturity potential. The same goes for us! We need the influence of the Almighty Creator, an internal vision, to fully realize our purpose and potential on this planet. 2 Cor 5:7 "We walk by faith and not sight..." - today make sure you switch on your 'internal projector' and let God speak to you about where you are going...and not get caught where you're at!

Friday, May 24, 2013


As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 NIV) 

 God has designed and wired us for relationship. Firstly with Him but then also with each other. In Genesis God declares that it's "not good for man to be alone" and creates a "help-mate" for him. Ecc 4 talks about how two together get a greater reward for their effort. Deut 32 alludes to the effort of two people being ten times more powerful than one and Psalm 133 says "where there is unity, God commands a blessing". Matthew 18:20 says "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them" and Hebrews 10:25 says "And let us not neglect our meeting together..." There is power in relationship and and a blessing that comes with it...don't miss out on it! I've wanted to write on this for a while but I want to encourage each of you to get along to church on a regular basis if you don't already. "But the church has hurt me!" I hear you say...there is no promise that people in the church are perfect, only the promise that "Jesus is the perfected of our faith". The Church is incomplete without you and the gifts and talents God has bestowed on you AND you can't be sharpened without rubbing up against some other irons. It's in the church, God teaches us how to relate to all kinds from all walks, and strengthens us emotionally, mentally, spiritually and relationally for bigger things. Jesus promises to build His Church (Matt 16:18) and that hell will not prevail against it! The church is not a building but His people...and you are His people. I don't know about you, but I wanna be standing on the side that God builds and hell can't prevail against...but it all starts with investing yourself in others...relationships! That's what God has intrinsically designed you for...make a promise to get to church this weekend and rub up against a few irons that will sharpen you. Love you guys.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Conforming or Transforming

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I love this picture. It's simple isn't it?. Don't be the white dot. We are called to a pattern of living that separates us from others. The rest of scripture is beautiful in way that shows us the simplicity in following Christ.  I have heard my teens say.. "it's so hard following God... I am tempted. I don't know how to overcome. "  I always pick up this scripture and say..."Have you really read God's word.? Are you letting it change you or just reading a story? ' When you really say " God I let you  change me... TRANSFORM  ME.. then he does. It's when we let his word be a table decoration and only  hear the word at church that we fail to really let the word RENEW our mind. If you thinking is as the same as it was yesterday. Open a devotion. Maybe you find it a challenge to really read the word. Try   I love that this scripture goes on to tell us that we are able to test in life what God's perfect and pleasing will is.  Maybe you are in a struggle to love someone. Maybe you are in moment where you feel stuck.. So today open up God's word and pray for revelation. Let him work in heart and transform your mind.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Rushing into decisions is seldom a good idea... Especially if what you're doing is coming from a place of reaction, frustration and anger. I know what it's like when you're in a tough spot and you just want things to change, sometimes any way out of the situation is tempting... When the 'promise' or the 'calling' seems a long way off, it can be convenient, tempting, and even relieving (for a time) to opt for something different... to change paths. But in Psalm 27:14, we are encouraged to wait... be patient... don't opt out ahead of schedule. In that time of 'waiting' do it in His presence, in the word, in prayer with an open heart. It will give you peace, and help you to be of good courage - to hold fast with your head held high. Then the psalm says that the 'Lord will strengthen your heart.' And when your strength comes from God, no amount of waiting can weaken it. So be encouraged today - stay the course, immerse yourself with Him, and your time will come.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


“Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” - Prov 4:23 NCV

OK…take a deep breath…and strap in. The next few days I am going to challenge you...and for some it won't be easy…but it will be fruitful! Your thoughts are the battleground for your heart…and ultimately your life. Think of it like this, your thoughts are like the defensive wall, and your heart the throne room, of a fortified castle. The enemy will do everything he can to conquer that defensive wall because then the heart becomes vulnerable! The Word of God teaches us to take hold of our thinking and yield to Jesus…this is something that takes time and diligence but is exceptionally rewarding when you're on the other side of a victory. Your thought life can literally transform you from the person you are today to totally new person in Jesus. It's not just the Bible that says this.

 Psychologists and cutting-edge scientists are now suggesting that our thoughts affect and ultimately determine the person we become. It's no wonder the Proverbs says "…your thoughts run your life". Today your goal is to take an inventory of what you think on. Does it line up with the word of God? Are you thinking about yourself and others…with love...the way God does? Feel free to report back on your progress through the day and have a great day.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Let the light....

2 Cor 4:6 God who is able to call light out of darkness - dispell deep set blackness with just a word - has caused HIS light to dwell in our hearts through Jesus Christ. Darkness is not a problem to God - He is not scared of it or threatened by it... It dosn't take him by surprise or shock Him... He just illuminates darkness with His Glory and love - not to expose it, but to dispell it. The light of God is not accusational in its illumination, but rather cleansing, truth defining, freeing and full of hope. The darkness within you - we all have it, and it doesn't mean evil within you - whatever you've hidden in a dark corner, whatever situation you keep under wraps and out of the way, the fears and abuse that have locked you in a dark and confusing space - Let the light of Jesus shine over them... Its like morning light on perfect day... warm, cleansing and hopeful. His light within us, even in the dark places, is healing and strengthening... and causes His light not just to shine in us, but out of us - into the darkness that so many face. Enjoy the sunshine wherever you are...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you... (James 4:8 NKJV)

I love this verse. It's always been about us.
Some people expect God to be all over them like a rash; interceding and barging in whenever they are in trouble...but that's just not the case. It's not who God is or how He works. He has gifted each one of us free choice and true relationship with Him means out of all our options, all the many choices we can make, choosing Him first. It's a little like that old adage: "if you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it's yours..." When we keep coming back to God, we are His. There was a slight, tongue in cheek variation to ending of that adage that goes "...if it doesn't come back, hunt it down and drag it home". Although God has the might and power to do such things, He is a gentleman, waiting on us to make the choice...the first move! And when we do He comes rushing to us, to sweep us up in His love. It reminds me of the story of the prodigal son. While he was off doing his own thing, the father, albeit worried, let him figure it out. But when he comes to his senses and heads home, the father sees Him from a distance and runs to embrace him. That's God. That's how He responds to us. Always there...always waiting. And as soon as we make the slightest movement toward Him, He comes rushing in. Have you been holding God at arms length waiting for Him to make the first move? Turn it around won't regret it!

Today,be stronger !!!

Ezra 4:10 "Get up, for it is your duty to tell us how to proceed in setting things straight. We are behind you, so be strong and take action.”

 Ezra had found out that the people of Israel had sinned against the Lord, and he was making confession to God on their behalf… praying, weeping, repenting… He stayed in this manner for quite some time. The people gathered around and then a man came up and said the above verse to Ezra. I needed this encouragement today for 2 reasons.
 1) sometimes we just spend too much time thinking on the past, the negative, the sin, the offence, the offender… we start to dwell there and get caught up in the drama and emotion of it… and we really need to Get up, Be strong, and Take action. Move on, bury the hatchet, make peace with the person or situation and your own heart. Repentance is awesome and the right thing to do, as is being aware of where you go wrong and what slips you up. But I want to encourage you today not to camp too long with negativity or toxic thoughts of failure and offensives, given or received. Move on, get up from that and go live the rest of your life.
2) Its just a good encouragement to live purposefully. Get up - don't be lazy or sleepy when it comes to your call and ultimately to your life, be aware and wide awake to the world around you… Be strong - strengthen yourself in the Lord, exercise your spirit so it can take the weight of life… Take action - live, don't be stalemated by your past, or frozen by hurt, or hindered by failure. Keep on trying, keep on going, keep on living. Don't let the bad keep you from all that is good, wonderful and amazing about this life. Especially a life with Jesus who will pick you up, give you strength and has so much purpose for you. We love you, we believe in you and we KNOW that you have what it takes to be all you were created to be.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Love and those other things like it.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud (1 Corinthians 13:4 NLT)

 In the Western world, we have a very narrow context of love. We hear the word and our minds go instantly to movies like The Notebook, The Titanic or Breakfast at Tiffany's. Hollywood has taught us to think in terms of romance but love, especially it's biblical context, is so much larger than that. The love that Paul talks about here in 1 Cor 13 reflects the love God has for us. Not based on feelings but based on total connectedness. Not for self gratification but self sacrificing. Not from a place of pride but a place of humility. This love teaches us how to love in the purest form. It sets a model and empowers us to love with the same ferocity, passion and strength. It guides, nurtures and upholds. It surrounds, comforts and supports. It always wins and never fails. God's love for you, for everyone, never ever gives up! It always holds out and hopes for the best. His love fills and forever brings to life. Today, your experience of love may be different. It may even make you shy from the love of God because your experience is far more painful. Allow yourself to experience and be nurtured by His complete and restoring love. It will be patient and kind and never jealous, boastful or proud!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walk with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 (The Message) "Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces."

 Growing up, and  a little today., I listened to a lot of music by 'Steven Curtis Chapman'. He had a song called 'Walk with the Wise', which at a young age helped engrain into me how important it is to choose who you 'walk with' wisely. It's not just talking about friends or even who you hang out with, but those you do life with closely - those you allow to walk with you through times of doubt and frustration, through sickness and challenge, through times of great success and achievement. Who speaks into and influences your heart through these seasons has great impact on the decisions you make and ultimately who you become because of them. I believe God asks us to be a friend to many, extend kindness and help to those around us - this scripture isn't telling us to be exclusive with our love, it's telling us to be wise with who we let influence our path in life. Studies say you become like the 5 people closest to you. Sometimes to make a significant change in your walk, you need to make a change in who you place around your heart. Walk with the wise, and you will also grow wise. Still love - be compassionate and generous with the love you give, but be very deliberate and choosy with who you 'walk' with. You have to ask yourself 'who do I want to become'?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Avail...... and then Avail some More

James 5:16 "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

 I used to read this verse and think 'am I righteous enough to avail much? Are God and I on good enough terms for him to answer my prayer? I would pray fervently, but I begged God for everything. My thinking was a little (a lot) off. 2 Cor 5:21 says "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." What makes us righteous is not anything to do with ourselves or what we can do or have done, but it has everything to do with Jesus and what he has done for us. We are righteous simply because He has made us so. When we pray, we don't need to convince God that He should listen, or talk Him into answering us... We pray like sons and daughters, confidently aware of our place in the kingdom, standing righteous before our father and king. No grovelling, but through relationship fervently and effectively speaking with God. Bringing our concerns and hopes to Him knowing that 'He who promised is faithful'. Don't get trapped into begging and grovelling in your prayer life. It actually says that you don't believe Jesus sacrifice was enough to make you righteous. Come bodly before the throne of grace, in all humility understand that you have been made righteous, you are a son/daughter of God, and your place is in His presence. The fervent prayer of a man who understands his place in the kingdom, who stands in the righteousness Jesus bought for him on the cross, is effective and avails much

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? (Psalms 27:1 NLT)

 As I write this I'm sitting in beautiful and cleansing morning sunlight. There's always something fresh about sunlight, especially morning light...the light that breaks the darkness. Whatever fears or worries haunted you through the night, the morning light often brings a sense of hope. A sense of peace. The thought from this first verse in Psalm 27 is that whatever fear darkness brings into your life, just expose it to the light of Christ. Whatever thought or situation would have you think God can't bring you victory, just drag it into the presence of our Almighty Savior! Thinking like this gives me the mental picture of the old vampire movies where when exposed to day light or even a crucifix (haha yes!!!) those dark and evil things writhe and burn up in pain. What once was a predator becomes a victim in the light. Your fears and worries come from the voice of a predator who's only safe in dark places, disguised by shadows and illusions. Drag them into the light of Jesus and every shadow will disappear to reveal a weak and thwarted enemy. The light will be so bright those voices, fears and apprehensions (from the enemy) cannot stand it and writhe and struggle and slink away. Whatever fear you face - illness, lack, relationship breakdown, people, self confidence - bring them by the scruff of the neck into the presence of God, expose them to the light...they won't last long! The Lord is your light and salvation today.

Song: We are- Kari Jobe

Monday, April 29, 2013

Surrender, but does that mean I have to give up?

"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 10:39 "

Jesus paints a magnificent picture here.   We all have a survivalist  mentality don't we? Even in my house from time to time we all kind of go into our survival mode. Lack of sleep. Lack of attention. Lack. Lack  and more lack. It's so opposite for us to think of letting go. Jesus doesn't really ask us here to , please lose your life. He in fact is telling a fact. That those who fight to hold onto life we will lose  and those who lose their life in him will be given life! If we let go of our life, our way of doing things and follow him we gain life. Breathe in for a second. (don't hold your breath)  Your life, it doesn't belong to you . That's right . Your life if you follow Jesus is no longer yours. Now that doesn't mean you are going to wake up dead ( yeah I know), but that  surrender has to become part of your daily vocabulary.  Jesus when he taught us to pray, Our  father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Now let's stop for a second.  We know what's next. On earth as it is in heaven.  Jesus desires for us to have heaven on earth! That does  not always translate to wealth! There is more to heaven than wealth... but I digress.  You see in order to gain life we need to let go.  Jesus , what do you want for me today and want do you want from me today. How can I let go... can I let go of my will, emotions, finances, and control over what I do to  God. I hope this leaves you with reflection of how to surrender. I always start with just prayer and finding a way to serve others today. How will you surrender.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Your Heart: Let it Not be Troubled

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me." (John 14:1 NKJV)

When Jesus makes this statement, He gives away a big clue which quite often we overlook. You see we think He's implying you have no reason to fear, which is true, however the clue teaches us that we have control of the fear. He says "LET NOT your heart be troubled..." Meaning that we either LET our hearts be troubled or LET NOT our hearts be troubled. The 'letting' rests on us. We turn it on or off. We let it in our keep it out!

Proverbs 4:23 says "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." We are the ones gate-keeping our hearts! So what if our heart is troubled? What does that mean? It usually means we are fearful. Fearful of the future. Fearful of the outcome. Maybe you have every NATURAL reason to be fearful...but that's ok...because you serve a SUPERNATURAL God! He hasn't given you a spirit of fear! His promises are yes and amen. His thoughts toward you are good and not evil; to give you a future and hope. Fear in your heart is the choice to believe that what's happening to you in the physical is greater than the promises God has written over your life. Fear is a 'scare-gun'; it makes a lot of noise but has no real impact...unless you let it! Today choose to let not your heart be troubled. Trust, hope and believe in the promises God has for you. Let them into your heart. Praying this thought turns your day around...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What If?

What if? Such a simple query of words. I was deep in prayer after this terrible week of tragedy in Boston. The bombing had me ready to pick up my bags and get to Beantown immediately. Some of course, would mock this, but you do have to know me some. I am former Marine.  A 9/11 Marine at that. I was drawn in after the attacks of 9/11. I felt a that strong sense of service for my country to find a be an instrument of justice. I feel this overwhelming need to serve others. I really didn't care for the war in Iraq. My friends and so many others all felt the same way about it. That it was not what we thought it was. Moving on now. I kept coming back to that thought though. What if?  Why can't I just go an serve where I feel needed? I was blessed to be able to but always know that I have a wife and two kids requires my coordination of our household funds and just whole other mess of things ! I still kept coming back and waking up in the night with, What If?
What if I really lived completely for Christ? What if I really loved my neighbor? What if I really fed the starving and clothed those without? What if the fire and hunger in my spirit really took over all of my life!? What if? What if? What if I kept my mouth shut? What if I spoke? What if I was going into all the world? What if I laid hands on the sick? What if I really cut myself off from entertainment and focused on what was good for my mind, body, and spirit? What If? What if? What if I laid down my life and scooped up the life Jesus told me I could really have in him? What if I was kinder? What if I was more open? What if I  really could learn to live a life of sacrifice? What if? What if? What if I prayed more? What if just forgave someone ? What if I picked up the phone? What if ? What if I could really be his hands and feet? What if I had just said one more word? What if ? What if?
What will you do with your What if?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Your Thoughts Pt 2 :Capture

"...and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2Cor 10:5

Today it's another of my fave passages. If you know me, I've probably quoted it to you a dozen times! The Bible says we have to take our thinking and make it captive to Jesus. The thoughts that aren't Christ-centered cannot stand to be in His presence long BUT all too often we don't even police those thoughts! We allow anything and everything to waltz right in, do a jig and then take up residence! When you study the Greek behind this passage, "taking captive" literally means to lead away at spear-point!

 That's what you need to do. When a thought comes to say "you're ugly!", lead it by spear-point! When a thought comes to say "you're a sinner you don't deserve blessing"…bring out that spear! When a thought tries to entertain you with "I'll never succeed", "nobody likes me", "I'm a failure" - spear! Spear! SPEAR! Speak over those thoughts and say "In Jesus Name GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!" - If you commit to this, those thoughts won't last long and soon you'll start thinking the way Jesus already does about you. Then you'll start living the way the Bible promises you should! All starts with the thoughts...

This week commit yourself to prayer and reading God's word with this in mind.

1. Start with Worship
2. Surrender
3. Pray with confidence
4.Make it a relationship and not an obligation

Monday, April 15, 2013

Love God. Love People.

Matt 22:37-39 (the Message Bible) Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.”

 At our church, we sum up these verses as "love God, love people". Loving God isn't a fleeting or romantic notion... It's a life-changing path you actually place yourself on and walk down. To love God with all your passion, prayer and intelligence is to focus your whole self on Him. Your thoughts and prayers, your strengths and actions, your hopes and dreams, your desires and faith - focused on, motivated and compelled by your love for Christ. It changes the way you live.

 Love people - now this one can get complicated due to the nature of humanity and the corrosive effect of sin. When Jesus died, he paid the same price for every single individual both past, present and future. The highest value was paid and sacrificed FOR ALL... We are ALL desperately loved by God. He doesn't ask us to place ourselves in abusive situations, stay in manipulation, or tie ourselves to dangerous people, but loving others is as simple and as uncomplicated as seeing them as Christ does. Born with purpose, great love, and the hope of eternal life. It changes reaction to response, hates to compassion, and indifference to kindness. Love God, Love People.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Your thoughts:Fix!

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." - Phil 4:8

 You may've picked it up in some of our other daily devotions, but transforming your thought life is a real passion of our church. So much of what you are seeing and experiencing today is a reflection of what you thought about yesterday. That's why the Bible talks about your patterns of thinking so much (2 Cor 10:5; Rom 12:2; Isa 26:3; Prov 4:23). Your thinking is the gateway to your heart ("As a man thinks in His heart so is he" Prov 23:7) which overflows into the tongue ("Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks…" Luke 6:45) and the tongue has creative power ("Life and death is in the power of the tongue" Prov 18:21). To put it simply; transform your thinking = transform your life! That's why Phil 4:8 says "fix your thoughts…". God has gifted each one of us the creative freedom of choice (we are creators, created in His image) so the choice remains with us to control what we create. If we let our thinking go any-which-way it feels the influence of sin-nature will lead it down and down. However if we "fix" our thinking, which means a constant and conscious effort to direct what we think on, we'll constantly look up and be directed up. I know which way I want to go…how about you? Today we challenge you to discipline your thinking. It may be a real struggle for some but ask God for the help…He will give it to you! I will leave you with this truth. Give over your thinking. Let go an Let God. 

Next Post is about: Capture our thoughts!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Do Good

"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." - Gal 6:9 On a wall, in Mother Teresa's home for children, is written a variation of the Paradoxial Commandments by Dr Kent M. Keith. One of the lines reads "The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway!". Doing good is fun and easy...when it's acknowledged! When it's not, it gets a lot harder however that doesn't mean we should stop! Think about your heart for a's doing a great job of keeping you alive by pumping blood through your system but how often do stop to tell it "thank you". What about your big toe? Without it you couldn't maintain balance standing up. Do you constantly need to cheer it on with "you're doing an awesome job! Keep going!"??? No these parts of the body continue to "do good", without recognition, making everything work together for good! In the same way, we should never be discouraged or tired of doing good. Since we are all connected and 'each part fits together to make the whole body work'. Be encouraged that the good you are doing is valuable. The unseen hours in the middle of the night is making a difference. The challenging season raising your children will pay off. Those people you are helping out, praying for, or looking after do need you and value what your doing. This verse in Gal 6:9 goes onto say that "you will reap a harvest.." but the key is NOT to give up! We love you and are committed to helping you on this journey so together we can all be a blessing.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Your love never fails, it never gives up, never runs out on me. Your love!
Is 54:10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you." There is no greater security in life than belonging to the Kingdom of God, being a Christian - a Jesus follower. I've said this a few times before, but none us of knows what tomorrow, or even today, holds. Climbing and falling economies, unrest between nations, health issues, political movements, family tragedies... Things can change in an instant and it can be easy to fall into the trap of living governed by the fear of tomorrow. It causes us to put up walls, hoard our love, money and time... Or waste these things on momentary living. But no matter what happens in the physical realm, our eternal future and intrinsic value is assured in Jesus Christ. Great tragedy may come, we may face hardship and pain, challenging times, but through it all we have Hope in Jesus who is not rocked, moved or shaken by anything - He is steadfast and true. So today be encouraged to put your hope in Jesus. His unfailing love never, fails

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prayer Pt 3 Rooted

As my youth are in day 6 of our 21 days of prayer. I thought about my own days as a youth. I know. Wayyyyy back in the day! I lived in prayer. I really did.  I started following Christ at age 15 and he really was after me. My  life in little less than two weeks would be turned upside down and slam dunked and my family and I would never be the same. Our much beloved matriarch of our mother's side was dying and it was taking a toll on everyone.  She was peaceful, prayerful, and  the glue of the family. Then she died. I knew my mom was devastated. She had just lost her mother and best friend.  Then the wheels came off. Just an hour after the funeral. We had come back to the house my mother grew up in. We were packing  and getting ready to leave. My sister had asked my grandfather if she could use the phone and he said she could use the phone in his room. Then the unthinkable happened. My grandfather comes in and seemingly forgets all this and begins to yell at my sister, my mother comes in to see what the commotion is all about. They begin to yell and my mother says "keep your hands off of my daughter!"   Then my grandfather begins to strangle my mother and my sister screams for help. My dad runs back to the room and pulls my grandfather off of her and he begins to choke my dad. This was so heartbreaking as a 15 year old boy to watch unfold. Following this my grandfather comes out and tell us..."You are cut off. You are all dead to me!'

Now I said all that to say if I had not been taught to pray first. pray often. I really don't know how I would have made it through all of that. Our prayer life has to have roots. It can't be a surface relationship  or as my wife and I like to say, a rescue prayer life.  Those next 4 years of my life would be a lot of pain that most of my friends would never know or often thought I exaggerated. My mother would suffer from depression and addiction and lose her job because of it when she was only a few years from retirement after 27 years of working for the same company. My brother would drop out of high school and suffer through addiction. I  didn't know from week to week if my mother would end her life. I did my best to hide my pain.  Most every Wednesday was a night of war for me. I would go to church, only to have to come back to what waited for me. Usually my mother would be drunk and what always followed was chaos. Violence. Verbal abuse. Physical abuse. She would lock herself in her room for hours and I would be on the other side listening to her cry and say she was going to kill herself.  Now, it would take years before my mom finally healed. I am so proud of the many changes she did to get to a place where her will is stronger than the bottle. 

I spent many of those nights just locked in prayer. I still do. When Paul writes in 1st Thessalonians 5  as  his  final advice.

Paul’s Final Advice

12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. 13 Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other.
14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.
15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.
16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
19 Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. 20 Do not scoff at prophecies, 21 but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. 22 Stay away from every kind of evil.

I think if we focus in on verse 16 & 17 . Stay Joyful. Never stop praying.
Lay the roots of prayer in your life. It takes time to develop. If we develop this we can stand when the storms of life come and become stronger. Stop and thank God for all and start today!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Prayer pt 2 Pray First & about Everything!

This is a must in my house! In fact my wife & I often remind each other when talking about anything , "Did you pray first?".  I quote it to everyone. God has given you the tools to overcome stress, anxiety, and worry- and it's called prayer! Worrying taking the steering wheel from God, when our job is to trust him. So let go today and talk to God!  The future if we stare at it to often can look scary, but God reminds us in ( Jer 29:11) I have a future for you. I have a plan.   So when you feel the worry set in, discipline yourself to pray.

With praying for everything, pray first! Pray before making that big purchase. Pray before you go to that next meeting. Pray before walking out the door, sending that email, etc..... It may seem excessive, but 1 Thess 5:17 tells us to simply pray without ceasing! 

My prayer for you:

God, I come to you now and humbly ask for your forgiveness of things I have done knowingly or unknowingly. I give you my heart, my thoughts, my will, and emotions. I let go of my worry and trust you! I rejoice and thank you because you are an amazing God who loves me!

Talking to God to doesn't have to be formal! It's about a relationship.  I hope that you were encouraged and that you develop a prayer life that is infectious!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stay Hungry

It's funny isn't it. Look at the meal above. No one would sit down to a table and simply have just a pea. Yet, spiritually we do this with God's word. Why do we do this?  How can we stay hungry ?


Deuteronomy 8:3

New King James Version (NKJV)
So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord

It's interesting this scripture would be used again by Jesus against a temptation from the devil. I think we all go through days where we just DON'T want to really read. No one reads any more. Maybe you need to get back on track or maybe you have never really spiritually hungered after God's word. Some people literally don't even bring their bible to church anymore. Look around.
Here my top 3 things for not reading.

1. I can get what I need from my pastor- Imagine working  a 40 hour week and only eating ONCE  a week. Who would do this? While your pastor may be awesome, you need to get in the word FOR YOU!
2. I am too busy- Well we all have this, but we can pray and ask God for direction and yet not open up his word. God's word has so much for you! Try a few different things. offers a 1 year bible study and it takes a second just each morning.
3. I can't relate- We all can relate to relationships. If you think about what the bible really is. A revelation of God is. Get to know him today. Know his promises.

First. Pray. Ask God for a hunger. Worship in his word. Pray according to his word. You wouldn't starve your physical man on purpose, why would you deny spirit the same nourishment.

May God grant you a hunger today for his word that you might know him more.

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to be a Fool

Everyday life can be complex. No this is not a lesson in  how to be a fool, but rather how to avoid it. Are you on the list:
1. Speaks too much - Proverbs 17:28
2. Hopes in money - Proverbs 11:28
3. Lacks self-control - Proverbs 25:28
... 4. Gossips - Proverbs 10:18
5. Never plans ahead - Proverbs 19:2
6. Meddles in the matters of others - Proverbs 26:17
7. Speaks quickly - Proverbs 29:11
8. Stubborn - Proverbs 12:15
9. Lazy - Proverbs 13:4
10. Stingy - Proverbs 28:22

Things we should avoid!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Prayer: pt1

Scriptures: Matt 6:9-11 & Eph 3:14
As my wife and I prepare for the next series , "Teach Us To Pray", we want to focus in several different parts of prayer. What did Jesus mean when he said we ought to pray like this, but I  wanted to start some place else this week.  In Eph 3  Paul starts talking about the great wonder and mystery of God's plan of how he weaves all people, no matter how different, into one big beautiful canvas called his Church. How God would even use him (Paul) in his wondrous plan.
Paul writes in verse 14 of Eph 3, "when I think of all this, I fall to my knees in pray to the Father".

There are two things I want to highlight.

1. Keep the wonder and awe about Jesus and his beautiful plan alive. Don't lose that. Don't lose your spark. Don't be overwhelmed by what God is calling you to in your life or the life of the Church. Don't get lost in the complexity or simplicity, you are in the midst of his plan for you life. Instead, let it drive you to your knees in prayer. Not in fear or worry/doubt, but in simple surrender to the Father who loves and leads you .

2. Pray. Simply, Pray. No special place or event. Just direct your heart in conversation with God. Kneel both spiritually and physically(if need be). God has a plan and we most often fret, because we just don't ever stop ourselves and pray. We try to figure it out. So in praying let it lead you to surrender. My favorite part of the Lord's prayer is that the most important part is often overlooked. We've heard people say that our prayer isn't answered because we hold onto  a lack  of forgiveness , but before we even get to that part of the prayer Jesus is telling us to surrender. Think about it. God your will be done!  So today let us be in awe and surrender.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Through the storms

Matthew 7:24-27

24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

It rains doesn't it. In our life. We have great times of peace and joy where the sun is shining and all is right with the world, but then the rain comes.

Jesus teaches us that it's going to happen. A simple  and yet profound teaching. I thought about this twice this week. The first time was because of an actual storm and the second because of a family who suffered the loss of a son.  My best friend called to tell me the news and after I hung up the phone I cried and prayed for the family.  I have been through that loss. A few times.

As I went the next few days I mulled over and over the storms that I have been through and that if I didn't have a foundation built upon who Jesus I wondered what kind of person or situation I would be in. I kept thinking that it would have be a house that would constantly need rebuilding. Imagine for a minute that your own house or where you live, that if a storm hit that you had to keep rebuilding and rebuilding every time  a storm came. That would be crazy! I know that I would get sick of that pretty quick, but I would have to build something with an actual foundation, something of worth.   It would not be based off my own understanding and my own will. Which let's face it. My will power is pretty weak. I am thankful everyday that I have a relationship that's built upon the teachings of Jesus. It's pretty solid but it's in those moments of weakness though. In the storms that I cry out to God and he hears me.  I get to be held close by him.  Ps 34:17 "The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help and he rescues them from all their troubles."

It's interesting because in this moment of my pain, junk, and weakness God desires to be close to me. When I feel my least bit like loving others and pouring out is the moment God wants to pour in me. So don't worry if you don't have it all together. Jesus came to heal the sick and the broken. Cry out to him and he will rescue you. So in your pain and in the storm stop and just cry out.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Road to Here! (wherever that may be)

You know this scripture. You've heard it a few hundred times.

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
What does it mean to you? Is this encouraging to you? I know for a while that I had some doubts about God's plan for my family because of my own lack of perspective. As my wife and I were on this journey we encountered frustration, depression, tension, feeling lost, defeated and then all of a sudden things started to change. We realized that my job as a Marine was taking it's toll on our spiritual lives together. I wasn't leading worship much and she was not getting to volunteer. We had become so busy with everything else that we weren't spending time together in God's presence.  I felt like we had no hope. No future.
1.The Change:Pray First
What changed was us wasn't a huge spiritual mystery. It was just simply a case of surrender and let God rid of us our fears. When this dawned on us we took a spiritual inventory and realized we needed to just draw closer to God together. So we started first with our prayer life. We made the intentional effort of praying before everything and I do mean EVERYTHING! When we woke up, pray. When we had our breakfast, pray! When I left the house for work,pray!  Almost immediately we both began to see a change in our attitudes and in our marriage. God began to whisper that what he had promised would be fulfilled!  That moment of "light bulb" went off:
New Living Translation (NLT) Matt 6:31-33
31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
2. Trust God: Don't let fear rule you.
The very first thing happens when you have change in your life isn't what you think. It's fear. Is this really God!? Is this right for my family? Where are we going to live? What will I do ? What will my girls DO!? AGGGHHH!? Then a still small voice speaks and you calm down and breathe in. Jesus reminds in Matthew's gospel that if we just Seek First God's way of doing things in our lives that all these other things will be taken care of! 
So in this moment. Breathe. Rest. Recharge and then be relentless in pursuing God. Things will not always happen in your time, but they will happen.  God is faithful.We had to go through some strange stuff to get where we are now. Lost  a solid job with benefits. Had a monumental failure. Had to move in with our in -laws. Pregnant with our 3rd child and it all started to feel hopeless but then it was as is if we just don't give up and don't give in just remain faithful, pray first, and seek first its going to work out. Then all of a sudden, it did. We started getting hints of a blessing on the way. We stayed faithful. We had to just cast fear aside and speak what God wants to do is bless us.  So in your moment doing all you can do to stand and stay strong , do it!
3. Worship God with all your heart,mind, and strength.
From my perspective I have always just turned to worship. I know this seems odd, but for me. Just getting time alone with God and singing with abandon and just declaring who God is in my life makes me feel closer to God's heart. So if you are going through a season of doubt and change it might be time to take spiritual inventory. Examine and be honest with yourself. The road to we took was winding and often filled with dangers to just give up. So focus on his presence and not your problem. Fix yourself on God's will and not on your fear.  
Let me finish with this. My wife took a the posistion of Family Life Director and we moved to the small town of Port St. Joe, Fl but we believe that God has BIG things here for us. God's story for our lives is in a new chapter. This was my wife's dream posistion. What's your story going to look like?