Friday, May 31, 2013

Peace like a ...

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God!"

This is such a beautiful and comforting psalm for many. I was speaking to a friend the other day and we were discussing the seasons of our lives and how this verse is so applicable to us right now. But not in a 'stop, we must rest' way... Before every race, every moment of exertion, there is a pause, a gathering, a stilling of the heart and mind... focus of spirit and thought. We often read this verse and think that we need to stop everything, cease action. Rest. But my friend and I, we both live full lives with much happening around us and in us, decided that we wouldn't stop... but rather in everything we do - in family, in work, in ministry - we would take moments to focus ourselves and our hearts on Jesus and remind ourselves that in everything - He is, and He is God. Today I would encourage you to do the same.

Now  of course I am not encouraging if you need to have rest, because simply put, we all do.  Life has a certain chaos we  let be around us. Think of that imaginary line in the sand you have drawn in your life. We are actually  ok with the mindset of, I will allow this much to be going on in my life. So we make ourselves busy. Our relationship to the God of the universe just simply falls apart. All of sudden we look around and no longer recognize our prayer  & worship life. It's not thriving. It's just holding on. So today in the midst of chaos. Stop if you need it. Rest if you are weary. Ask God to just breathe life into you. Let your mind , heart, and soul be still .

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)

 Vision is a most powerful thing. Having eye sight helps us navigate through the perils and obstacles of our physical world. Having a vision on the inside helps us navigate perils and obstacles of our spiritual world! When God gives you a vision for your life (He has one for every person - Jeremiah 29:11) it helps us stay focused and full of hope when things don't look like they should in the physical world. It's like an internal projector showing you the future God has for you. Our culture is very secularized and through it, we are conditioned to rely solely on our physical senses. The problem is this is very limiting. When people don't recognize the spiritual, they can't see that they are given to it, good or bad, which means they don't know they're being controlled by it! Eph 6:12 "we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spirits and principalities". Those 'spirits and principalities' have led the general populace into not putting emphasis on the spiritual, blinding them to vision that God places inside every person (Ecc 3:11). Relying solely on physical senses causes a 'feedback loop' in our forward growth, with no real outside source to penetrate our vision. It'd be like getting four infants and locking them in a house together until they are 25 and expecting them to grow up mature. They need the nurture, guidance and wisdom of an external influence, a parent, to actually fully realize their maturity potential. The same goes for us! We need the influence of the Almighty Creator, an internal vision, to fully realize our purpose and potential on this planet. 2 Cor 5:7 "We walk by faith and not sight..." - today make sure you switch on your 'internal projector' and let God speak to you about where you are going...and not get caught where you're at!

Friday, May 24, 2013


As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 NIV) 

 God has designed and wired us for relationship. Firstly with Him but then also with each other. In Genesis God declares that it's "not good for man to be alone" and creates a "help-mate" for him. Ecc 4 talks about how two together get a greater reward for their effort. Deut 32 alludes to the effort of two people being ten times more powerful than one and Psalm 133 says "where there is unity, God commands a blessing". Matthew 18:20 says "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them" and Hebrews 10:25 says "And let us not neglect our meeting together..." There is power in relationship and and a blessing that comes with it...don't miss out on it! I've wanted to write on this for a while but I want to encourage each of you to get along to church on a regular basis if you don't already. "But the church has hurt me!" I hear you say...there is no promise that people in the church are perfect, only the promise that "Jesus is the perfected of our faith". The Church is incomplete without you and the gifts and talents God has bestowed on you AND you can't be sharpened without rubbing up against some other irons. It's in the church, God teaches us how to relate to all kinds from all walks, and strengthens us emotionally, mentally, spiritually and relationally for bigger things. Jesus promises to build His Church (Matt 16:18) and that hell will not prevail against it! The church is not a building but His people...and you are His people. I don't know about you, but I wanna be standing on the side that God builds and hell can't prevail against...but it all starts with investing yourself in others...relationships! That's what God has intrinsically designed you for...make a promise to get to church this weekend and rub up against a few irons that will sharpen you. Love you guys.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Conforming or Transforming

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I love this picture. It's simple isn't it?. Don't be the white dot. We are called to a pattern of living that separates us from others. The rest of scripture is beautiful in way that shows us the simplicity in following Christ.  I have heard my teens say.. "it's so hard following God... I am tempted. I don't know how to overcome. "  I always pick up this scripture and say..."Have you really read God's word.? Are you letting it change you or just reading a story? ' When you really say " God I let you  change me... TRANSFORM  ME.. then he does. It's when we let his word be a table decoration and only  hear the word at church that we fail to really let the word RENEW our mind. If you thinking is as the same as it was yesterday. Open a devotion. Maybe you find it a challenge to really read the word. Try   I love that this scripture goes on to tell us that we are able to test in life what God's perfect and pleasing will is.  Maybe you are in a struggle to love someone. Maybe you are in moment where you feel stuck.. So today open up God's word and pray for revelation. Let him work in heart and transform your mind.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Rushing into decisions is seldom a good idea... Especially if what you're doing is coming from a place of reaction, frustration and anger. I know what it's like when you're in a tough spot and you just want things to change, sometimes any way out of the situation is tempting... When the 'promise' or the 'calling' seems a long way off, it can be convenient, tempting, and even relieving (for a time) to opt for something different... to change paths. But in Psalm 27:14, we are encouraged to wait... be patient... don't opt out ahead of schedule. In that time of 'waiting' do it in His presence, in the word, in prayer with an open heart. It will give you peace, and help you to be of good courage - to hold fast with your head held high. Then the psalm says that the 'Lord will strengthen your heart.' And when your strength comes from God, no amount of waiting can weaken it. So be encouraged today - stay the course, immerse yourself with Him, and your time will come.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


“Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” - Prov 4:23 NCV

OK…take a deep breath…and strap in. The next few days I am going to challenge you...and for some it won't be easy…but it will be fruitful! Your thoughts are the battleground for your heart…and ultimately your life. Think of it like this, your thoughts are like the defensive wall, and your heart the throne room, of a fortified castle. The enemy will do everything he can to conquer that defensive wall because then the heart becomes vulnerable! The Word of God teaches us to take hold of our thinking and yield to Jesus…this is something that takes time and diligence but is exceptionally rewarding when you're on the other side of a victory. Your thought life can literally transform you from the person you are today to totally new person in Jesus. It's not just the Bible that says this.

 Psychologists and cutting-edge scientists are now suggesting that our thoughts affect and ultimately determine the person we become. It's no wonder the Proverbs says "…your thoughts run your life". Today your goal is to take an inventory of what you think on. Does it line up with the word of God? Are you thinking about yourself and others…with love...the way God does? Feel free to report back on your progress through the day and have a great day.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Let the light....

2 Cor 4:6 God who is able to call light out of darkness - dispell deep set blackness with just a word - has caused HIS light to dwell in our hearts through Jesus Christ. Darkness is not a problem to God - He is not scared of it or threatened by it... It dosn't take him by surprise or shock Him... He just illuminates darkness with His Glory and love - not to expose it, but to dispell it. The light of God is not accusational in its illumination, but rather cleansing, truth defining, freeing and full of hope. The darkness within you - we all have it, and it doesn't mean evil within you - whatever you've hidden in a dark corner, whatever situation you keep under wraps and out of the way, the fears and abuse that have locked you in a dark and confusing space - Let the light of Jesus shine over them... Its like morning light on perfect day... warm, cleansing and hopeful. His light within us, even in the dark places, is healing and strengthening... and causes His light not just to shine in us, but out of us - into the darkness that so many face. Enjoy the sunshine wherever you are...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you... (James 4:8 NKJV)

I love this verse. It's always been about us.
Some people expect God to be all over them like a rash; interceding and barging in whenever they are in trouble...but that's just not the case. It's not who God is or how He works. He has gifted each one of us free choice and true relationship with Him means out of all our options, all the many choices we can make, choosing Him first. It's a little like that old adage: "if you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it's yours..." When we keep coming back to God, we are His. There was a slight, tongue in cheek variation to ending of that adage that goes "...if it doesn't come back, hunt it down and drag it home". Although God has the might and power to do such things, He is a gentleman, waiting on us to make the choice...the first move! And when we do He comes rushing to us, to sweep us up in His love. It reminds me of the story of the prodigal son. While he was off doing his own thing, the father, albeit worried, let him figure it out. But when he comes to his senses and heads home, the father sees Him from a distance and runs to embrace him. That's God. That's how He responds to us. Always there...always waiting. And as soon as we make the slightest movement toward Him, He comes rushing in. Have you been holding God at arms length waiting for Him to make the first move? Turn it around won't regret it!

Today,be stronger !!!

Ezra 4:10 "Get up, for it is your duty to tell us how to proceed in setting things straight. We are behind you, so be strong and take action.”

 Ezra had found out that the people of Israel had sinned against the Lord, and he was making confession to God on their behalf… praying, weeping, repenting… He stayed in this manner for quite some time. The people gathered around and then a man came up and said the above verse to Ezra. I needed this encouragement today for 2 reasons.
 1) sometimes we just spend too much time thinking on the past, the negative, the sin, the offence, the offender… we start to dwell there and get caught up in the drama and emotion of it… and we really need to Get up, Be strong, and Take action. Move on, bury the hatchet, make peace with the person or situation and your own heart. Repentance is awesome and the right thing to do, as is being aware of where you go wrong and what slips you up. But I want to encourage you today not to camp too long with negativity or toxic thoughts of failure and offensives, given or received. Move on, get up from that and go live the rest of your life.
2) Its just a good encouragement to live purposefully. Get up - don't be lazy or sleepy when it comes to your call and ultimately to your life, be aware and wide awake to the world around you… Be strong - strengthen yourself in the Lord, exercise your spirit so it can take the weight of life… Take action - live, don't be stalemated by your past, or frozen by hurt, or hindered by failure. Keep on trying, keep on going, keep on living. Don't let the bad keep you from all that is good, wonderful and amazing about this life. Especially a life with Jesus who will pick you up, give you strength and has so much purpose for you. We love you, we believe in you and we KNOW that you have what it takes to be all you were created to be.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Love and those other things like it.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud (1 Corinthians 13:4 NLT)

 In the Western world, we have a very narrow context of love. We hear the word and our minds go instantly to movies like The Notebook, The Titanic or Breakfast at Tiffany's. Hollywood has taught us to think in terms of romance but love, especially it's biblical context, is so much larger than that. The love that Paul talks about here in 1 Cor 13 reflects the love God has for us. Not based on feelings but based on total connectedness. Not for self gratification but self sacrificing. Not from a place of pride but a place of humility. This love teaches us how to love in the purest form. It sets a model and empowers us to love with the same ferocity, passion and strength. It guides, nurtures and upholds. It surrounds, comforts and supports. It always wins and never fails. God's love for you, for everyone, never ever gives up! It always holds out and hopes for the best. His love fills and forever brings to life. Today, your experience of love may be different. It may even make you shy from the love of God because your experience is far more painful. Allow yourself to experience and be nurtured by His complete and restoring love. It will be patient and kind and never jealous, boastful or proud!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walk with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 (The Message) "Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces."

 Growing up, and  a little today., I listened to a lot of music by 'Steven Curtis Chapman'. He had a song called 'Walk with the Wise', which at a young age helped engrain into me how important it is to choose who you 'walk with' wisely. It's not just talking about friends or even who you hang out with, but those you do life with closely - those you allow to walk with you through times of doubt and frustration, through sickness and challenge, through times of great success and achievement. Who speaks into and influences your heart through these seasons has great impact on the decisions you make and ultimately who you become because of them. I believe God asks us to be a friend to many, extend kindness and help to those around us - this scripture isn't telling us to be exclusive with our love, it's telling us to be wise with who we let influence our path in life. Studies say you become like the 5 people closest to you. Sometimes to make a significant change in your walk, you need to make a change in who you place around your heart. Walk with the wise, and you will also grow wise. Still love - be compassionate and generous with the love you give, but be very deliberate and choosy with who you 'walk' with. You have to ask yourself 'who do I want to become'?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Avail...... and then Avail some More

James 5:16 "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

 I used to read this verse and think 'am I righteous enough to avail much? Are God and I on good enough terms for him to answer my prayer? I would pray fervently, but I begged God for everything. My thinking was a little (a lot) off. 2 Cor 5:21 says "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." What makes us righteous is not anything to do with ourselves or what we can do or have done, but it has everything to do with Jesus and what he has done for us. We are righteous simply because He has made us so. When we pray, we don't need to convince God that He should listen, or talk Him into answering us... We pray like sons and daughters, confidently aware of our place in the kingdom, standing righteous before our father and king. No grovelling, but through relationship fervently and effectively speaking with God. Bringing our concerns and hopes to Him knowing that 'He who promised is faithful'. Don't get trapped into begging and grovelling in your prayer life. It actually says that you don't believe Jesus sacrifice was enough to make you righteous. Come bodly before the throne of grace, in all humility understand that you have been made righteous, you are a son/daughter of God, and your place is in His presence. The fervent prayer of a man who understands his place in the kingdom, who stands in the righteousness Jesus bought for him on the cross, is effective and avails much

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? (Psalms 27:1 NLT)

 As I write this I'm sitting in beautiful and cleansing morning sunlight. There's always something fresh about sunlight, especially morning light...the light that breaks the darkness. Whatever fears or worries haunted you through the night, the morning light often brings a sense of hope. A sense of peace. The thought from this first verse in Psalm 27 is that whatever fear darkness brings into your life, just expose it to the light of Christ. Whatever thought or situation would have you think God can't bring you victory, just drag it into the presence of our Almighty Savior! Thinking like this gives me the mental picture of the old vampire movies where when exposed to day light or even a crucifix (haha yes!!!) those dark and evil things writhe and burn up in pain. What once was a predator becomes a victim in the light. Your fears and worries come from the voice of a predator who's only safe in dark places, disguised by shadows and illusions. Drag them into the light of Jesus and every shadow will disappear to reveal a weak and thwarted enemy. The light will be so bright those voices, fears and apprehensions (from the enemy) cannot stand it and writhe and struggle and slink away. Whatever fear you face - illness, lack, relationship breakdown, people, self confidence - bring them by the scruff of the neck into the presence of God, expose them to the light...they won't last long! The Lord is your light and salvation today.

Song: We are- Kari Jobe