Thursday, April 4, 2013

Prayer pt 2 Pray First & about Everything!

This is a must in my house! In fact my wife & I often remind each other when talking about anything , "Did you pray first?".  I quote it to everyone. God has given you the tools to overcome stress, anxiety, and worry- and it's called prayer! Worrying taking the steering wheel from God, when our job is to trust him. So let go today and talk to God!  The future if we stare at it to often can look scary, but God reminds us in ( Jer 29:11) I have a future for you. I have a plan.   So when you feel the worry set in, discipline yourself to pray.

With praying for everything, pray first! Pray before making that big purchase. Pray before you go to that next meeting. Pray before walking out the door, sending that email, etc..... It may seem excessive, but 1 Thess 5:17 tells us to simply pray without ceasing! 

My prayer for you:

God, I come to you now and humbly ask for your forgiveness of things I have done knowingly or unknowingly. I give you my heart, my thoughts, my will, and emotions. I let go of my worry and trust you! I rejoice and thank you because you are an amazing God who loves me!

Talking to God to doesn't have to be formal! It's about a relationship.  I hope that you were encouraged and that you develop a prayer life that is infectious!

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