Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Casting Down Fear

Psalm 23:4

Living Bible (TLB)
Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way.

I want to start off with this thought, no prayer, that today you will be released and relieved from fear. It can be crippling. Cut you off from reason and plague you with thoughts that leave you living in terror. Chronic anxiety and stress can contribute to a range of health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, depression and even cancer.

This is not the Father's plan and place for your life to live! Now here comes the defensive response.... wait for it... it is coming to your thoughts.
  • You haven't been through what I have been through 
  • I was born this way
  • I don't call it fear, but being really really safe!
I am sure that we can come up with a great deal more, but let us explore what God says about fear. First, from a practical standpoint let us not confuse fear with being alert to danger. I would never say because you are absent of fear go stick your head in that alligator's mouth, but being aware that something might hurt you is simply smart. It is when fixate on these things that can take over our lives in every way.

My wife and I had an incident about a month ago that made me walk in fear for about a week. Early one morning my wife had our 8 month old son and was going downstairs to start the morning. I was laying in bed about half awake and the imaginable happened. They both fell from the top of the stairs. We have a baby gate built in at the top of the stairs and my wife had opened it and was turning to close it and tripped over her own feet. My son in her right arm  as she fell the only thing that slowed their descent was that we had not taken down some Christmas lights on staircase railing. I heard the crash and my wife's scream as she fell down the stairs. It was a scream of horror because in that moment of chaos, she was out of control and only concerned with protecting our precious son. I sprang out of bed upon hearing this scream and crash and running down our hall full expecting to see the worst, but God whispered something small in that moment..."I've got them."  Turning the corner and looking down  the stairs I see  my wife and son sitting up and both crying. I took those stairs like a professional football player, hitting every step with fervor and determination. Now my wife who is not the girliest of girls is crying like I have never seen before in our 7 years of marriage and holding our son who is also crying. It was the hardest thing for her to let go, because she was afraid of him being hurt. (now if you follow my blog. I am a former Marine. ) My training kicked and I calmed her down so I access my son's health and other than a small red mark on his arm where my wife was gripping him, he was in great shape. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! 
I checked one more time to be absolute.  

The aftermath of all this  was that for the next week I allowed fear to set in. Every time my wife went near the stairs I was hovering and giving safety lessons. Not my normal behavior. What is worse is that I now had mental images of the two of them falling and terrible things happening. Here is what I observed.

Fear causes doubt, insecurity, paranoia, restlessness , abnormal behavior, outbursts of anger, and a whole host of other things, but over and over again in scripture God tells us not fear. Why? It is because he knows what fear can do to us. 

So today I want you to be honest. Where are you afraid at in your life? Where do you trust God the least?  Surrender that
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.2 Tim 1:7

"God. I surrender. I will not live in fear for I am not abandoned. Your love abides in me and I abide in it. Where your perfect love is , I know that fear is not present. I cast my care upon you and lay down this burden of ______.
in Jesus Name. Amen"

Some other great scriptures all about fear and overcoming.


Also support the great artist who I collaborate with at Society6 under the name PocketFuel.

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