Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Before I get started, let me say that I have prayed before posting and this post, like my previous one about church planting, is for any church planter or anyone thinking about doing so, being armed with the information as part of their discernment process. I was warned by a far more credible mentor about the inherent dangers of being a church planting pastor and even thought to myself that it would not happen to me, but it did. I got Ambushed.  Not by the enemy, but by other pastors and even ones from within my own denomination. I won't sugar coat it. It royally stunk. I will completely tell that I have forgiven them and moved on, but this is not about the emotions, but a word of warning as you may venture into church planting. ** I will not mention the churches or people involved by name**  as a passed away colleague once told me; "forgiving someone means letting go of your rights to be angry or seek justice." (Chris Perry)

If you are a church planter, part of your job is to reach out and meet with other pastors. Raise money. Pray for one another. This is totally is supposed to be a blessing! I sent an email to a church who had a large attendance every weekend and I knew two of the pastors really well on staff.  Their senior pastor emailed me back and was delighted to have lunch with me. As a church planter, I thought that this was a positive sign !  Having their endorsement would be tremendous and the influence it could wield and yield would be a win. 

Instead of being asked about how they could help, I was blind sided with questions that seemed more orientated about us being in competition than cooperation. It hurt.  The phrase from one the pastors was repeated that "he simply didn't understand" and basically from there repeated that several times. Even after pointing out that I was directed by the Bishop and by BOCD ( denominational terms) and that established churches need 72 people on average to reach 1 person... "I just do not understand." For them, it seemed like I was after a resource for them or church folk. I wasn't.

 I remember saying to our earliest core group, and have continued to say ever since, “We could have a hundred churches around us, and it wouldn’t matter. We’re not after churched people!” I would often go further and add, “We’re not even primarily after people looking for a church. We’re after the person who, right now, the last thought on their mind is being in a church this weekend.”

The reason I say that this was an ambush is this. As defined by Webster, an ambush is: a surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position. 

Allow me to be brazenly clear. If you want to say no to another pastor, then just tell them no. Do not invite them to lunch and surround them so that they can leave feeling interrogated. If we are in a common cause and denomination, there should be a celebration for someone being sent to start a new place for new people. 

To the church planter, before you take a meeting. Pray. Never answer hastily.  I went into the meeting feeling quite safe because I knew two out of the three pastors. 

If you do get ambushed. Just pray & forgive. Church planting is already hard enough. You are going to experience rejection and that is a normal.  I made it my practice after running into them on later dates to be cordial and grace filled. Who really knows why people do what they do.  

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