Saturday, June 8, 2013

In your presence, in your power. Awakening.
Like the rising sun that shines. Awake my soul, Awake my soul to sing!-Hillsong United

What powerful lyrics I am listening to right now as I prepare my heart for the next 6 days with my youth. It's my prayer for them. Not for camp to just be something fun, but that they would encounter  God and see their walk in Jesus through power of his Holy Spirit! That this encounter and camp, also called Awaken, would be a fire and fanning of the flame.  Over the past year, I've been repeating one prayer w/great frequency: "Lord, do something unpredictable and uncontrollable."  For my youth, I want them to see the power, depth, and height of God's love for them. That he has something planned for them if they are open to be awakened! For my parent's I realize that for some of you this is a break from the daily grind, but I challenge you to pray for our teens. That we cast aside our  ideas and we become alive and awaken this week!  Our small town is amazing, but creeping under the surface are teens who are facing some real dark issues. Sex,Addiction,Divorce, Despair, Depression , and just an overwhelming sense of not knowing where to go. I want our youth to really become That Youth Group* who models 1 Tim 4:12. 

Monday- Safe travel and just pray we are on the same page and ready to be refreshed
Tuesday- first full day! Worship with us on your heart and lift us up for God's will to be done
Wednesday- Pray and lift our counselors and leaders. Our speaker for the camp is Carl Fountain, pray he is just connecting with students and engaging with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Thursday- This is our last night service. The wind down. Pray for surrender. Peace.
Friday- Safe travel and we shall see you around 8pm that night!

Love my parents and your teens tremendously!

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