Monday, May 13, 2013

Let the light....

2 Cor 4:6 God who is able to call light out of darkness - dispell deep set blackness with just a word - has caused HIS light to dwell in our hearts through Jesus Christ. Darkness is not a problem to God - He is not scared of it or threatened by it... It dosn't take him by surprise or shock Him... He just illuminates darkness with His Glory and love - not to expose it, but to dispell it. The light of God is not accusational in its illumination, but rather cleansing, truth defining, freeing and full of hope. The darkness within you - we all have it, and it doesn't mean evil within you - whatever you've hidden in a dark corner, whatever situation you keep under wraps and out of the way, the fears and abuse that have locked you in a dark and confusing space - Let the light of Jesus shine over them... Its like morning light on perfect day... warm, cleansing and hopeful. His light within us, even in the dark places, is healing and strengthening... and causes His light not just to shine in us, but out of us - into the darkness that so many face. Enjoy the sunshine wherever you are...

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