Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walk with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 (The Message) "Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces."

 Growing up, and  a little today., I listened to a lot of music by 'Steven Curtis Chapman'. He had a song called 'Walk with the Wise', which at a young age helped engrain into me how important it is to choose who you 'walk with' wisely. It's not just talking about friends or even who you hang out with, but those you do life with closely - those you allow to walk with you through times of doubt and frustration, through sickness and challenge, through times of great success and achievement. Who speaks into and influences your heart through these seasons has great impact on the decisions you make and ultimately who you become because of them. I believe God asks us to be a friend to many, extend kindness and help to those around us - this scripture isn't telling us to be exclusive with our love, it's telling us to be wise with who we let influence our path in life. Studies say you become like the 5 people closest to you. Sometimes to make a significant change in your walk, you need to make a change in who you place around your heart. Walk with the wise, and you will also grow wise. Still love - be compassionate and generous with the love you give, but be very deliberate and choosy with who you 'walk' with. You have to ask yourself 'who do I want to become'?

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