Friday, May 31, 2013

Peace like a ...

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God!"

This is such a beautiful and comforting psalm for many. I was speaking to a friend the other day and we were discussing the seasons of our lives and how this verse is so applicable to us right now. But not in a 'stop, we must rest' way... Before every race, every moment of exertion, there is a pause, a gathering, a stilling of the heart and mind... focus of spirit and thought. We often read this verse and think that we need to stop everything, cease action. Rest. But my friend and I, we both live full lives with much happening around us and in us, decided that we wouldn't stop... but rather in everything we do - in family, in work, in ministry - we would take moments to focus ourselves and our hearts on Jesus and remind ourselves that in everything - He is, and He is God. Today I would encourage you to do the same.

Now  of course I am not encouraging if you need to have rest, because simply put, we all do.  Life has a certain chaos we  let be around us. Think of that imaginary line in the sand you have drawn in your life. We are actually  ok with the mindset of, I will allow this much to be going on in my life. So we make ourselves busy. Our relationship to the God of the universe just simply falls apart. All of sudden we look around and no longer recognize our prayer  & worship life. It's not thriving. It's just holding on. So today in the midst of chaos. Stop if you need it. Rest if you are weary. Ask God to just breathe life into you. Let your mind , heart, and soul be still .

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